Friday, April 3, 2009

Road safety ads

Have a nice Easter holiday and take care!

A grieving man walks a lonely road to place a white cross to mark the site of fatal Easter road accident in New Zealand.

One of many drink driving advertisements from New Zealand:

Land Transport New Zealand's campaign against fatigue:

Land Transport New Zealand is different from other road safety organisations. As well as concentrating on the usual suspects (speeding, seatbelts, drink driving) they also make adverts warning you to be careful at road junctions.

Land Transport New Zealand provided New Zealand television viewers with a graphic description of the impact of speed on survivability in road crashes.

“When we drive fast we don’t realise the danger we’re in. If you’re driving at 90 km per hour and crash the speed your body impacts is the same as if you’re falling from the first floor of a building. At 110 km per hour the impact is the same as falling from the fifth floor. And at 125 km per hour the impact is like falling from the ninth floor.”

A collection of school principals talk about cars speeding near their schools and the impact it's had on their children.

School principals speak with gritty honesty about having a student struck down by a vehicle outside their school, in the NZ Police road safety campaign on speeding near schools.

One teacher, pictured, tells about a road around the back of the school where some of the motorists almost go airborne as they go over the hill.

Another teacher tells about a child stepping out on the crossing. “The car just went….”

Another tells it like it is… “You can imagine what it must be like if something weighing a tonne, made of metal, hits a small body”.

“Over the bonnet and into the windscreen and over the roof”

“When I realised that the marks that were on the road were actually the boy’s bloodstains it really hit home…”

The ad finishes with a shot of an empty desk and the super, “There’s no excuse for speeding around schools.”

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