Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Little Britain - Baby Jesus

Christmas was first celebrated in Britain in 1986 to commemorate the birth of Lord Martin Christmas.
- You're going to be reading in church today.
- Yeah, I know.
- What do you want to wear? I'll put the iron on.
- Baby Jesus.
- What about the baby Jesus?
- I wanna go dressed as the baby Jesus.
- Hmm. I'm not really sure that's a good idea. I know you like the baby Jesus.
- I love the baby Jesus.
- I'm not sure dressing as him will go down well. It's gonna be a right kerfuffle, making you up a baby Jesus outfit at such short notice.
- Baby Jesus.
- And now Andrew Pipkin is going to read for us from the Gospel according to Saint Matthew. Andrew.
- "And so it came to pass that Mary and Joseph made their way to the city of Bethlehem. They sought high and low for refuge, but there was no room at the inn..." I look a pillock...

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