Monday, January 23, 2012

Ali G - Environment

Extract from "Da Ali G Show" S01E05-Gail Porter. With Professor Michael Redclift, Professor Jonathan D.G. Jones, Margaret Wright and Professor Phillip Stott.

- Professor Michael, what is the idea of recycling?
- The idea of recycling, l would say, was to cut down on the materials that go through our patterns  of consumption.
- Ain't it dirty to use somefin' that has been used before?
- Well, if you think that, almost everything we do has been used before. Even the water we drink, we bath in... it's been actually...
- What do you mean?
-'s gone through eight human bodies.
- lt's passed through?
- ...the scientists know more.
- They've drunk it, it's gone into the sewage, into the water treatment and somebody else has drunk it.
- You's 'avin' a bath in someone's -pardon me French- piss?
- Yes, that's right.
- l ain't never 'avin' a bath again. That is you serious about a bath?
- Yeah, absolutely serious.
- So, Professor, is it all right to have a piss in the bath?
- As far as the water supply's concerned, fine.
- ls it morally right to use recycled bog roll (=toilet paper)?
- l don't think we have a choice.
- l sometimes use a sheet twice if it ain't got much dirt on it. ls that a good thing?
- Yes, it's all right.
- Let's take it on to global warming. What would you prefer out of no ozone or stinking pits?
- You don't have to make that choice.There are different ways of using antideodorant without using those awful spray things which l react to badly anyway. l've never ever used one in my life. l don't stink. Here, smell.
- No, l ain't doing that.
- He's scared!
- We's gonna go round and l want you to say one word that you want them at home to take home with them. Margaret?
- Peace.
- Change, this is a restless earth.
- One word.
- Restlessness. Change.
- Which one?
- Change.
- Change. The earth changes all the time.
- All right. Forget the restlessness.
- Commitment.
- Think.
- Peace, restlessness,...change,...
- Commitment.
- lt was?
- Commitment.
- Commitment, change.
- Think.
- Think and change your restless peace. Yes?
- Very good.
- l do the lyrics. So, OK, my word is respect. Respec' yourself, respect the environment and respec' know. Other things.

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